Diego Legrand

Diego Legrand
MON Services Techniques
I am passionate about all domains which affect healthcare near or far and its enhancement. Firstly, through my principal occupation as a pharmaceutical industry consultant (Validation and Regulatory Affairs Specialist), secondly through my Scientific Director, Clinical Research Field Director, and Neurology Research positions. Lastly, my University Lecturer role showed me how passionate I am about knowledge sharing. I am also involved in various groups, such as the Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology, and the Quebec Population Health Research Network for example. I have already had the pleasure and honour to participate on various tasks in the YP committee, and promoting this society seems like one of the most important tasks during this period. The ISPE represents for me one of the pillars of good practices, and the evolution of pharmaceutical quality on a world scale, and that’s why I am taking the opportunity to present myself for this position, ensuring unfaltering motivation during my mandate. I am very motivated to use my skills to become an ambassador and promote the expansion of this society, particularly the YP Montreal chapter.